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18th November 2018, 18:20
Would be grateful for confirmation (or not) that the letter immediately below clue 34 is R.
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18th November 2018, 18:33
Yes, I have R.
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18th November 2018, 18:38
I have anagram of less+T+fir.
It means gallows and TCD does give gallows for trees.
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18th November 2018, 18:43
Thank you sunray. All now finished.
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19th November 2018, 09:54
If any helpful solver is already/still awake I'm struggling badly with SW corner (31 & 32). I can't find an anagram of 'persian h' that fits with the requirement that H A and R need to be in the corner, and my knowledge of bats is limited. Please give me a push so the dog can finally go out for his walk! Many thanks
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19th November 2018, 10:09
The unchecked letters in the SW corner are H, A and P (not R). The bat is given by a three letter verb meaning 'to become weak' (or decayed) inside a five letter word for a large vertical fishing-net. The solution runs anticlockwise from the cell at the top left corner. Hope that helps.
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19th November 2018, 10:31
Jacknatter cheers. Now the dog can go out at last. However, it's just started drizzling so I shall have the pleasure of the gentle whiff of wet Retriever hovering around all day. Oh well. Thanks again.
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21st November 2018, 15:29
I'm struggling to get 24 and 30. A clue on definitions would be nice, it's Wednesday afternoon....
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21st November 2018, 15:31
30. Monkey.
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21st November 2018, 15:34
24 Dye. The vessels don't sail.
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