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31st October 2018, 20:58
Not sure about parsing these:
15a. It suggests cleric following it only gets worse (7,6)
A: Vicious circle.
Can't see how the first part fits.
19a. Brief address of surgeon is going around in May (5, 8)
A: Prime minister.
Prime = brief I suppose, but what's the "address of surgeon" doing?
4. Staff in NY opera house love souvenir (7)
A: Momento.
Staff = men, inside MO for the NY opera house and the final "o" for love. Where does the "t" come from?
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31st October 2018, 21:09
15. It suggests implies the answer could give be the rest of the clue as definition. Vicious as an anagram indicator circle => cleric.
19. Surgeon is known as Mister, round in.
4. Met is the NY opera house, love = o.
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31st October 2018, 21:10
4 memento = souvenir
NY opera house = the MET
staff = men + o (love)
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31st October 2018, 21:30
Thank you.
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