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25th August 2018, 19:59
Hi Robbo, you asked to be kept up to date in regards to the merits or otherwise of the Chambers phone app. I've checked with Norah, and, as long as I'm only expressing a personal opinion , she has no problem with it.

Every single world from last weeks Listener was in there. Also, clue no. 3 down in this weeks Times 27,126 is an anagram of 'lad in Rome' - I've tried every single online anagram solver and none came up with anything - the Chambers app. found it instantly, even though it's a foreign word.

Basically, for what it cost, £6.99, I've already found it invaluable. I hope this helps.

All the best,

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25th August 2018, 21:54
Brendan, I put 'lad in rome' into (or something very like that name) and Madrileno came up.
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25th August 2018, 22:24
You're right Malone, and I was aware of that. The reason I didn't reference it was because that particular anagram site, as well as giving the correct answer, Madrileno, also gives an additional 16 words, the majority of which are pure nonsense (examples are:- dominarle, morelandi, mirandole, leomandri any others), whereas Chambers gave one answer - the correct one.

Perhaps I should have mentioned that other website and, if anyone feels they've been misled, then I apologise, that was certainly not my intention.
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25th August 2018, 22:28
It's fine, Brendan. I was just surprised when you said you'd tried every online anagram solver and none came up with anything! Although the one I mentioned gave a list of other (some quite random) words, the Madrileno was easily spotted because of the link with a city.
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25th August 2018, 22:33
It's no problem Malone, I accept I perhaps could have phrased it better.
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25th August 2018, 23:36
"I, Dr Malone, treated Spaniard" (9)
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