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23rd August 2018, 21:24
Fun and frolics from Lavatch as per usual.

Very enjoyable, though definition of 39 was a little iffy, unless I'm missing summat.
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23rd August 2018, 21:32
KT17, I didn't find it iffy. The definition in Chambers says 'militarily imperialistic (hist)' and the clue says 'Old imperialistic', so that seems to work properly. The rest of the clue is wordplay.
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23rd August 2018, 21:39
Thank you Malone, I stand corrected.

I was a little thrown by this definition appearing between two commoner ones.

I should know better.

I'll shut up now!
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23rd August 2018, 21:46
KT17, it's better that you asked - it's not good to be left unsatisfied with a clue or answer!
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24th August 2018, 07:37
Yes, lots of entertaining clues - King's evil indeed - but I'm struggling with the fourth main character. I'd appreciate a nudge as to its location.


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24th August 2018, 07:44
... middling , nearer the bottom, across 2,4
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24th August 2018, 17:32
Approaching this one backwards, I assumed that the 4th character was 'The Dog' making the 3 others, George, Harris and J (from 3 M in a B) but the title doesnt back this up. So who is the 4th character (2,4) - St Joan, St Paul, Jo Soap, Mo Fara ? Give us a whisper ...... I'm getting crotchety.
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24th August 2018, 17:46
Hi gerba, characters from a children's book (3,4,2,3,7).
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24th August 2018, 18:05
Gerba, thank goodness it wasn't the option you'd chosen - that's been in too many crosswords!
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25th August 2018, 17:28
Yeah, different bunch of creatures altogether, can't say my heart leaped on cracking it.
For those of you with time to kill and a taste for 3M in a B, may I suggest you read 'The Ascent of Rum Doodle', a fine lit classic and strangely unknown ....
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