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23rd August 2018, 14:34
19a and 31a. I've got the answers but can't work out the anagrams. 5d and 12d. Again got the definitions but can't parse the encryptions. A most enjoyable crossword.
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23rd August 2018, 14:57
The anagram for 19a involves swapping the pair of letters at the end of the grid entry with the one at the beginning; that for 31a shares its first few letters with a biblical giant.

5d is HR ('time[,] short') with TEE ('little support') 'around'.

12d is ELF ('Mischievous little one') in SS ('aboard ship'), followed by ('on')LAYER ('course').
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23rd August 2018, 19:01
Thank you Jacknatter. It's good to have it cut and dried.
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23rd August 2018, 19:16
I must be thick, because I still don`t get it. There seem to me to be two cryptic indications, but no definition for the word EGIS. It could be E (eastern) + GIS (US rankers) or E (eastern) + GIS (judo kit). EGIS is an American spelling of AEGIS meaning (say) patronage Where is the definition for this?
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23rd August 2018, 19:19
Sorry folks, I posted this on the wrong thread. it referred to 29 down.
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