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19th August 2018, 20:14
A most enjoyable puzzle - however...
Has anyone else had difficulty with 29 down? Unless I have something very wrong the answer must be E*IS . There is a word for patronage that fits and this is an anagram of a judo kit (plural). The preamble tells us that in down clues it should be the definition not the wordplay that should be entered and this is the case in the other clues.
Have i missed something? Help most welcome.
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19th August 2018, 20:17
I think we can safely say that the clue for 29d has undergone involuntary directional reassignment.
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19th August 2018, 20:27
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23rd August 2018, 13:41
The only word I can find which fits is EGIS, but this does not seem to match either the definition or the cryptic indication. Where have I gone wrong?
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23rd August 2018, 14:22
See williamseal's parsing on the original post - you need to treat the clue for 29dn as if it were an across clue.
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23rd August 2018, 19:26
I must be thick, because I still don`t get it. There seem to me to be two cryptic indications to EGIS, but no definition. It could be E (eastern) + GIS (US rankers) or E (eastern) + GIS (judo kit). EGIS is an American spelling of AEGIS meaning (say) patronage, but where is the definition?
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23rd August 2018, 20:11
In my view, although it is a down clue it has erroneously been constructed as an across type (ie cryptic part leads to grid entry, definition part leads to an anagram of the answer).The wordplay is thus GIS ('US rankers') with E (eastern) 'on', and the definition is 'judo kit', giving GIES, an anagram of EGIS. I could of course be wrong, but it works very nicely as the 'wrong' type of clue and seemingly very badly as the 'right' type...we've used up the two proper names mentioned in the preamble, there is only one word which fits with the crossers, and there is only one anagram of that word in Chambers...
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24th August 2018, 00:27
I think I've completed everything okay now (29d hopefully right as others have already discussed), but ROAR as the subsidiary (non-entered) answer to 3d is one I can't parse.
[Worthless Scotch] run out? Letter from head of restaurant follows (4)
Nearest I can get is run out = RO (cricket) + R for head of restaurant. Doesn't explain the A, so I think I might be on the wrong lines.

Grateful for help as always.
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24th August 2018, 01:36
Hi Deslyxic,
Chambers has 'ar' as 'the eighteenth letter of the modern English alphabet' - R
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24th August 2018, 11:49
Dagnabbit, so it does! I looked under Ar and obviously overlooked the ar below. Many thanks, mattrom.
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