Definitely Chris. Tho lowest point though was at the SE Counties championships. At my school, we had all the latest equipment (4ft thick sponge mats to land on etc,, basically everything that athletes use today. However, when arriving at the competition the first thing I noticed was the high jump pit consisted of a bar and a sand pit! - to make matters worse the bar was triangular and not not round. Anyway, I told my PE teacher I couldn't jump or I'd break my neck - he said 'just do the best you can'. When it came to my turn I thought I'll just try and do the scissors kick, but, halfway over the bar 'instinct' took over and I twisted in mid-air. Realising I was heading for a nasty fall I put my hand down and knocked the toblerone shaped bar off only to land right on it.
I spent the next 30 minute in the first aid department (a caravan with numerous windows) getting TCP dabbed on my backside - the horror, the horror!! - Too make matters worse, I went to an all boys school this was my first encounter in a unisex environment -the shame!!