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15th August 2018, 10:44
Alternative to my #30

Spear shell off her in SA sounds a good deal. (7,5)

SA = Seth Efrika
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15th August 2018, 12:19
Perhaps fried rice is off... Er, but it's cheap! (7,5)
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15th August 2018, 12:45
Chief Executive no longer in charge gets a pay cut ! (7,5)
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15th August 2018, 13:21
Or as an alternative to my @16

Unique tender good buy....? (7,5)
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15th August 2018, 13:59
A tweak if I may.

Chief Executive no longer in charge as a result of a cost cutting exercise (7,5)
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15th August 2018, 15:30
Best tender involves cream enticement (7,5)
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15th August 2018, 17:09
Enticing proposal by unpaid copper. (7,5)
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15th August 2018, 18:07
Results time! There were 10 setters, with fj and sw being particularly prolific. Many to like, making it hard to arrive at this shortlist: paul@3 & @4, mattrom@8, therogue@11, sw@23, nemo@37.

Knowing how much I like doing anagrams, many of you produced wonderful examples – loved 'em (thanks for your viz-like paul@2!).

Now for my curmudgeonly moment, something I’ve harped on before: if the Def is an example of the clue, there should be something like say or e.g. (sw@27 does it with perhaps); if the Def is a generalisation of the clue (i.e. the clue is an example of the Def), nothing is needed (e.g. fj@5 and bbm@18 – deal is a generalisation). Having said that, many in my shortlist broke that rule but got there because the anagrams are so good.

So I will now ignore what I just said so curmudgeonly ...

The winner is mattrom@8 with this wonderfully apropos anagram:

Discount negotiated off sale price (7,5)

Congrats mattrom and here's your prize – another where the contestant (who ultimately won that year) is a huge surprise to the judges:
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15th August 2018, 18:49
Nice one, Mattrom! Very elegant. Cheers, SteveA, for hosting and thanks for the mention.
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15th August 2018, 18:49
Congratulations mattrom, cheers stevea.
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