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27th July 2018, 13:44
Particularly liked Geevo #2 and Paul #11 but voting for FJ #9
31 of 55  -   Report This Post


27th July 2018, 13:59
Likes: fj@9, paul@11, nemo@14, mattrom@17.

Vote: such a good anagram and clever use of recollected as the anagrind ... geevo@2.
32 of 55  -   Report This Post


27th July 2018, 14:32
I liked paul @11 and mattrom @17, but favourite was

geevo @2
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27th July 2018, 14:47
Liked paul#11, jws#13 and nemo#14.

Vote goes to pigale#3
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27th July 2018, 14:57
Liked Paul 11,spike2, 15, Mattrom 17 my vote goes to
Pigale @ 3
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27th July 2018, 17:38
At the risk of being even more unpopular but I hope it's seen as constructive, I'm not a fan of words doing double duty unless as an &lit so reluctantly I'm passing on geevo @ 2 (though a great spot) and similarly pigale @ 3 (another great spot) but I feel the definition gives nostalgic rather than nostalgia therefore my vote goes to fiery @ 9, excusing the non-capitalisation, I always knew you were a closet "soap flinger" !
36 of 55  -   Report This Post


27th July 2018, 17:44
paul #11
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27th July 2018, 17:45
Mattrom @ 17. Please ignore my post 12
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27th July 2018, 17:49
With half of the votes in, Geevo @2, Pigale @3 and Fieryjack @9 are tied with 3 votes each.

My youngest sister and her family are currently visiting from Canada (thankfully not staying at our house). My brother-in-law, in his wisdom, has had his sisters, who still live here, organise a surprise 50th birthday party for my sister although she won't reach that milestone for a couple of months. We'll be heading off shortly and I'll be a bit late in summing up etc. It's not liable to be a late, or riotous, night as most of the people there will be Church of Elim Pentecostal non-drinkers, and I don't want to leave the dog for too long, especially if the predicted thunderstorms arrive. She hates them. Joy.
39 of 55  -   Report This Post


27th July 2018, 17:51
Last post was obviously started before the last few votes.
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