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25th July 2018, 17:10
Last tube ride is gloomy (4)

LU (London Underground) in
BE (in sense last, endure)
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25th July 2018, 18:07
just in sw

yeah the necking is a ref to blue collar workers etc.

the surface alludes to what went on in rosalind's back seat ...
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25th July 2018, 18:14
Thanks, Marty. As well as that meaning, in my case, the term would be more appropriate as meaning "downing" as in "a pint"!

Thanks, everyone, for taking part. I'll try to finish my deliberations and get back to you as soon as possible.
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25th July 2018, 18:55
Thanks again, folks, for another bumper crop of goodies. I know BLUES had been previously used in these competitions, but felt that the singular and it's verb form might provide a wider range of definitions.

Thank you ChrisE @6 and Pigale @30 for expanding my vocabulary with "lues" and "bule".

Favourites included, first out of the trap, Nemo @2, Mattrom's rude moon @7, Paul's succinct @14, Ginge's nicely mathematical @17 and the musical offerings from therogue @27 and FJ @28.

I have finally gone for Charlie's clever @29

Row for Oxford?

Congratulations. My choice of word gives me an excuse to award this clip as a prize. It is also relevant to the unusually protracted spell of warm, dry weather many of us here are experiencing.


And a "Brucie bonus" ........


Please join me tomorrow, everyone.

Best wishes,

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25th July 2018, 18:58
(Apologies. These youtube clips are doing my head in. I'll try again shortly)
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25th July 2018, 19:00
And apologies to therogue for predictive text changing your name!
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25th July 2018, 19:18
Congrats therogue (how could predictive text have changed it to "Charlie"?) and thanks SW.
I was amazed at how many great clues there were for a short word - including the winner, of course!
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25th July 2018, 20:03
Cheers SW, a lovely surprise. You can call me Charlie if you want!
Loved the ELO clip, one of my favourite songs. I had hair like that back in the 70's! Wouldn't like it in this weather though!

See you all next week :)
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25th July 2018, 20:24
(Chris @38. I've no idea how that happened. Obviously not even the same number of letters. Using an Amazon Fire my daughter gave me and it's driving me bonkers. You can type a word, it looks perfect then, when you hit the space bar, some little pedantic gremlin inside thinks it knows better than you what you wanted to type and you may not notice. For example, it just decided I really meant "Kremlin" not "gremlin" )
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