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18th July 2018, 13:46
Please could someone help me with what to do with the two blanks. I've got the rest of the puzzle done but only the second half of the instructions (I have some of the letters of the first half)
Thank you
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18th July 2018, 13:50
TV show "have i got news for you" ... so change your 2 yous top and bottom rows for NEWS
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18th July 2018, 13:54
Thank you Scarlett.
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18th July 2018, 14:38
If 21ac is 'greenish', which it must be, what does that make 11d? I had 'generic' but that clashes. Also I'm looking for Ian and Paul who are the obvious contributors but can't find them anywhere.
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18th July 2018, 14:40
Think of a khan (the I from nikah is extra) and you should get it
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18th July 2018, 14:41
Ian & Paul are at either side of the grid
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18th July 2018, 15:28
Thank you mjk. I tend not to think of proper names, and of course Chambers is no help here. I also now have the two contributors - very clear now I have 11d, and a mistake corrected in 1d (I had 'hall'!)
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