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10th July 2018, 00:37
Thank you for all your help it is appreciated

I'm not personally interested in finishing these puzzles I like to see just how far I can get with just me and the red book,I did finish the grid on all three puzzles you cited/ but failed the end game but only just

I did find the red baron and highlighted a couple of random names in the grid

The derby was straight forward although I did not know lesters middle name and one horse hence no finished grid

As for Blake's Severn well that's one I did know although I still failed to recall some of the character names

I just like to try and fail and sometimes well I finish one

Thanks again Ludo
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10th July 2018, 07:04
Thanks for your comments, Ludo. It's obvious people approach crosswords, especially themed crosswords, in different ways. You're obviously quite happy with how you tackle them - so that's right for you.

You knew enough about the subjects (in the puzzles I mentioned) to get so far … but not to the end. Other solvers knew enough about music to get the 'Stuck In The Middle' puzzle done, yet you seemed to feel that one was unfair.

Using only Chambers would mean that I wouldn't get many crosswords finished. You might think 'so what?', but I'm happy to learn new things, explore avenues I'd never considered - all the Red Baron stuff, for example. My son occasionally does crosswords - I don't think that he's expected to know characters from 'Blake's Seven', a series that ended before he was even born! (And it's definitely not a cornerstone of British culture, it barely registered on many people's consciousness.)

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