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8th July 2018, 13:58
14d. Spotted creature in limo and at resort. (9).Clearly a creature with spots which is an anagram of 'limo and at". ......Unfortunately, "dalmation" is not the correct spelling! Does one put in the correct spelling, or how the anagram works out??? #awkward
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8th July 2018, 14:11
The first thing you should do is to see how any checking letters help you.
If there really is no other option than 'dalmation' you have to accept that the setter has made a howler. It won't be the first time.
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8th July 2018, 14:18
Thanks for that advice. The checked letters are d?l?a?i.?n, so the second last letter is a matter of choice.
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stevie gee

8th July 2018, 14:22
14d It maybe should have read lima.
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8th July 2018, 14:31
I've no idea of the protocol here.... but are you allowed a footnote to the crossword, explaining the dilemma?
And it would at least show that you know how to spell "Dalmatian"!
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