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28th June 2018, 18:38
2 problems with this one:
I am stuck on 19D, Spoke of spot on pen (5). have ?R?T?
Also a problem with 14D, Oil tribunal processed carbon capture (9). I got an answer ending NT (trying not to give away too much info), but to get an answer to fit in 23A, my answer to 14D needs to end TE. I appreciate this only makes sense to those with the grid to look at but comments from other RT readers appreciated.
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28th June 2018, 18:44
2 homophone of a word "to pen" = "spot on/correct"
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28th June 2018, 18:45
Sorry, the other way round . def "to pen"
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28th June 2018, 18:48
14d is an anagram of the 8-letter word in the clue + c
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28th June 2018, 18:52
I have seen eksewhere that the compiler has made an error and that the answer for "oil" ends in TE which is not fitting with the anagram.
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29th June 2018, 19:47
Thanks jazzgirl. I had it as an anagram with 'c' as you suggested, but having it end NT did not fit with my answer to 23a, so I had assumed there must be an error by the compiler and made it end in TE instead. Thanks for confirming it.
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3rd July 2018, 12:08
Jazzgirl & radarman I know it's late and you've done it but I've only just got round to the puzzle. On that 14ac, if you regard oil as a verb then it makes sense as the definition. Ah well back to my struggles with the puzzle and I am!
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3rd July 2018, 12:18
hi dandybandy
I did not do this puzzle, but , on another forum, they confirmed that you have to enter 'lubricate' to fit in with the crossers. However, the compiler made a bad error, as the anagram of 'tribunal' + c is 'lubricant' !
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3rd July 2018, 12:32
Ah, I see. Thanks jazzgirl.
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