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27th June 2018, 13:55
Hi Pigale

Thanks for the welcome.

More a solver than a setter. I do pop up from time to time to help out on the Listener/EV/IQ forums.
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27th June 2018, 13:59
And thanks to AB for parsing my clue.

I remember 'seeing' you a lot in the old Jolan 5@5 days. Is he still on here? Lovely chap and some tricky clues.
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27th June 2018, 16:14
Hi again,

I just realized I put GMT instead of BST, so you can keep
writing clues until 18.00 BST !
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27th June 2018, 16:53
Hello dja west ham united fc !
Jolan decided a while back to give up 5 @ 5 and I still miss it and him. For a while he looked in from time to time but I haven't seen him recently. I still cherish the memory of solving "milieux" when no one else had!!

Hope you are well and presumably enjoying the World Cup

Sorry for butting in, pigale
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27th June 2018, 16:56
I remember that Jolan lost his wife, but still posted from time to time. A few months since I've seen something from him, I think. (or, actually, did he post a few weeks ago?)
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27th June 2018, 17:05
That's OK Ros, but where is your clue?
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27th June 2018, 17:11
It's me again!

Can I have a parse for Nemo @8
I think I've got it, but would like it confirmed please
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27th June 2018, 17:26
Parsing of my #8

50:50 the Aussie bird comes back to work (6)

50:50 (as in an even bet) - A somewhat convoluted:-
V = Latin 5
0 (zero) = O (letter)
L = Latin 50
UME = Aussie bird (Emu) comes back
Work (in the sense of a book) = Volume

Perhaps I am trying to be too clever for my own good!
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27th June 2018, 17:42
Thank you Nemo for your explanations - quite tricky indeed!
I was not on the same wavelength as you and thought of a
reference to tennis for 50:50, yet could not understand the 'lov' bit
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27th June 2018, 18:23
Sorry pigale, no can do
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