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20th June 2018, 09:38
The disadvantage of thinking outside the box? (7)
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20th June 2018, 12:47
Punishment of prison outside Torquay (7)

(Somewhat loosely using "of prison" for penal)
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20th June 2018, 18:39
Times up folks - pencils down !

Hi everyone just starting to go through these.
Back in an hour or so with the result.
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20th June 2018, 19:56
First of all I'd like to say how much I enjoyed reading your clues, so much to like and everyone contributing great stuff.
Some particularly nice touches came from fiery @17 with a misdirected "can" ; nemo@18 "scarface" for -al- ;steve's hat-trick of shorties @20-21-22 and therogue's centre h al f @30.

In the end it came down to a choice between two "fine" clues paul's clever substitution @15 and the winner with a slightly smoother surface pigale @16

Fine writer, primarily a long time unknown (7)

Well done !

Your prize

Thanks to everyone who played this week !

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20th June 2018, 20:24
Congrats pigale - well deserved! Thanks BBM2.
Some of those kicks seemed a bit disrespectful, and I'm fairly sure that Neymar's was actually illegal...
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20th June 2018, 20:43
Well done pigale! Cheers Marty!
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20th June 2018, 20:52
Nice one, Pigale! Cheers, Marty.
(Excuse me for posting something non forum related, but my hands have just stopped shaking, after having addressed the nation on Simon Mayo and Jo Whiley's Drivetime show on Radio 2. For anyone who heard, scandal ! - it's not actually my favourite McCartney song, but the story of its significance is true. Also, I can now say I've been on the radio with Paul McCartney. I'll just gloss over the fact that his bits were prerecorded, so I didn't get to speak to him).
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20th June 2018, 21:36
Wish I'd heard your dulcet tones, sw.
I-player link?
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20th June 2018, 21:40
Congratulations Pigale nice
Cheers Marty and thanks for the mention
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20th June 2018, 21:49
I wouldn't know how to create a link, Marty, but there is a BBC I-player radio app separate from the telly one. I've used it once to access a Rick Wakeman guest spot. Anyway, I doubt it you'd find my 15 minutes (more like seconds) of fame that entertaining.
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