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10th June 2018, 12:49
18 Across, Showed again, closer to back, losing earlier energy (5) R?R?N

7 Down, Hot piano in my iPod (on shuffle) - it's cool stuff,man (8)
?I?P?D?M The only word I can get is HIPPYDOM? Never heard of it.

Compiler - PHI

Many Thanks
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stevie gee

10th June 2018, 13:04
7d Anagram of (H)ot (P)iano + my ipod = HIPPYDOM
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stevie gee

10th June 2018, 13:08
7d HIP is shortened form of HIPPYDOM - cool,stuff man.
Funnily enough HIP is an anagram of PHI (the compiler).
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10th June 2018, 13:12
anagram of nearer (minus e) reversed
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10th June 2018, 13:13
18ac is RERAN - NEARER ('closer to') being reversed ('back') without the first E ('losing earlier energy'). However, once NEARER has been reversed it's actually the later E that's gone...
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