Wow! Didn't expect that result. It wasn't even my own favourite of the clues I submitted but, as I've said before, it's difficult to be objective about one's own entries. Thanks very much ChrisE, Ginge, Pigale, PeterM, Rosalind, BBM2 and SteveA for the votes, and Nemo, Dorrien, Paul and FJ, for the mentions. Sincerely appreciated. Thanks for hosting, Aristo, and for my prize - as you say, a horror film. Touch wood but, as yet, I haven't had to remove any of the beasties from Skye although, when my daughter and her boyfriend took her up north to Dornoch with them last year, they said they managed to get a couple out of her coat before they could latch on to feed.
Talking of the dog, I shall finish my coffee and take her for the first walk of the day and, perhaps, try to find some inspiration for next week.
Best wishes, all.