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8th June 2018, 20:43
Thanks for the word Mr A, and my choice would not make a difference liked. Ginge 26,Sw 40,
My vote goes to. Bbm @ 29
61 of 74  -   Report This Post


8th June 2018, 21:44
(Assuming that rossim isn't voting because she withdrew her clue...)

Well, well, well. Skye’s keeper has done it again, with his gem:

Instant credit (4)

Here’s the prize, a short horror film:

As an aside, the island of Nantucket, playground of the super-rich, is overrun with tick-covered, disease-spreading mice, and there’s a plan to genetically engineer them. We may soon be reading about gargantuan rodents with a fondness for fat-cat New Yorkers.

There really were so many possible winners, so six votes is quite something. So nice that rosalind’s lovely clue got the nod from our runaway vote-getter. Thanks for the wonderful entries, all you clever folks!
62 of 74  -   Report This Post


8th June 2018, 22:27
Well done SW, lovely succinct clue.
And thank you aristo for such a wonderful word to play with. I was very thrilled to get the first vote, thank you SW and thank you too or the mention pigale (and aristo).

Fascinating clip. Did he really refer to the tick (or mite, I can't remember!) as an insect?- they are, of course no such thing, but arachnids. You could see the 8 legs quite clearly. And as for saying the bacteria "know" the tick is sucking blood- my biology teacher would have a fit. Great photography, though. I did some experiments with blood-sucking bugs -yep, you really don't want to meet me!
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8th June 2018, 23:10
Congratulations skyewalker, appreciated the mentions chrise, paul & fiery, cheers aristo.
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8th June 2018, 23:56
Super Skyewalker! Loved the clue.

Thanks aristo for hosting and the word choice
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9th June 2018, 00:00
Congratulations, Skyewalker and Cheers to Aristo.
Thanks to Peterm for parsing my clue earlier, and to Ginge for the mention.
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9th June 2018, 02:07
Great clue SW! Thanks for setting Aristo.
Thanks for the vote Tatters, and for the mentions Ginge, Pigale, and Dorrien. All very much appreciated.
67 of 74  -   Report This Post


9th June 2018, 07:12
Congrats SW and thanks aristo.
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9th June 2018, 08:12
Wow! Didn't expect that result. It wasn't even my own favourite of the clues I submitted but, as I've said before, it's difficult to be objective about one's own entries. Thanks very much ChrisE, Ginge, Pigale, PeterM, Rosalind, BBM2 and SteveA for the votes, and Nemo, Dorrien, Paul and FJ, for the mentions. Sincerely appreciated. Thanks for hosting, Aristo, and for my prize - as you say, a horror film. Touch wood but, as yet, I haven't had to remove any of the beasties from Skye although, when my daughter and her boyfriend took her up north to Dornoch with them last year, they said they managed to get a couple out of her coat before they could latch on to feed.

Talking of the dog, I shall finish my coffee and take her for the first walk of the day and, perhaps, try to find some inspiration for next week.

Best wishes, all.

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9th June 2018, 08:36
Congratulations Sw
Cheers Aristo
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