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5th June 2018, 09:21
Has anyone cracked the missing letters code thing? I have finished the grid, and have the rest of the theme, but no matter how many times I read the preamble, can't understand the A=1 B=2 etc.
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5th June 2018, 09:24
7a is Saran extra word was spruce ... so S + S .... S=19
38 = L

11a retina item R + i = 18 =9 =27 = A
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5th June 2018, 09:25
11a retina item R + i = 18 =9 =27 = A

sorry meant R + i = 18 + 9 = 27 = A
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5th June 2018, 09:26
The letters then spell out 5 more people associated with the theme
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5th June 2018, 09:36
Thanks Kirky I will have another look. Thought it was the clue number.
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