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6th June 2018, 15:39
I used to be a setter of abstruse crosswords, but I got BARRED.
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6th June 2018, 16:32
Is the nine letter word to be highlighted in a straight line?
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6th June 2018, 16:33
Just found it!!
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7th June 2018, 10:00
Thanks for the info kirky - that's a new one on me.
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manic mary

7th June 2018, 12:14
Thanks to all for the hints, have plugged away and am down to my last two 6d, is it an opera? Can't get a grip with the parsing at all, when I put the bits together I can't find a word in the BRB and the final 'job' leading from there is missing. I have all the letters and the word to be high-lighted now just knashing of teeth!
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7th June 2018, 12:18
6 D is two words - referred to in the list of jobs.

What's your other one?
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7th June 2018, 12:18
Hi mm, remember 2 unclueds are 2 words and 6d is one of those (1,5) should help.
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manic mary

7th June 2018, 12:23
Sorry, I have confused all. The 6a is the clue I can't it an opera? and the 'job I am missing is the un-clued entry going from the last letter of 6a. I have the 6d 'job' thank you.
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7th June 2018, 12:28
6 Across isn't an opera. A three-letter word for 'painting' with the usual crossword letter for 'one'. It's a Scottish word meaning direction, place.

The last job is exhausting...
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manic mary

7th June 2018, 13:30
Oh for heavens sakes! I am getting worse, the job it's ..... so obvious!
Thank you.
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