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1st June 2018, 18:59
I recently learned that on the little island where our summer house is (in Maine) the Preservation Hall Jazz Band is going to perform in someone's BARN down the road from us. How random is that? Can't wait.
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2nd June 2018, 09:55
Hello Mr A
That sounds just perfect . I love New Orleans jazz.
Lucky you. Enjoy !
I have not heard the band for many a year, so it was good to see their videos are on youtube. ( I was watching Basin Street Blues far too early this morning ;)
Youtube has recently brought back some nice memories for me and my jazz drummer cousin. (He will be 84 in July) He now only does small gigs in Ventura County where he now lives. People on the East coast would like him to play for them, but some health issues have "kinda knocked him back"
Last week we found a film of him with Benny Goodman recorded in 1965 on the Danny Kaye Show. ("Poor Butterfly" )
We had no idea the film existed.
I am rambling......... Have good time at the barn
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