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28th May 2018, 09:31
Throck, my paper has the Rossendale address for ALL the crosswords.
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manic mary

30th May 2018, 09:56
Thought I was doing well on this one as have the whole of the top half filled in, but have now ground to a halt. Have completed both 8a, 3d & 7d so have 3 of the 'grey' words and possibly the 4th but cannot see ay relevance to the title or any connection with each other, help please!
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30th May 2018, 10:00
If there's anything meaningful about the title, I missed it! The same goes for the connection to each other.

Post any clues that you're having trouble with. I'd be happy to help.
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manic mary

30th May 2018, 12:33
Thank you are good to me! Hefty clues for both parts of 6 & 7a would help thank you.
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30th May 2018, 14:08
8 A. Topless bloke to bang on about bikini bottoms; who's a lunatic, eh?

The first entry is the answer to the second half. Just an anagram (lunatic) of the two preceding words. The definition is 'Eh?'

For those without the puzzle, there's a shared letter, not given by wordplay.

Second entry - bikini bottoms. Topless = remove the first letter from a word meaning 'bloke' + a word meaning 'bang on about'.
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30th May 2018, 14:09
Sorry, MM, I've done 8 instead - I was watching television at the same time. I'll return in a minute!
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30th May 2018, 14:13
7. The first entry is the first half of the clue. A normal 'special' plus a service in tennis. I'm not 100% sure of the parsing for the second half - the second letter, given by the third in 6 D (second half) was a big help.

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30th May 2018, 14:16
In 6, the entries follow the clue order. Each half is simply an anagram of one word in the clue + the shared letter. You haven't said what letters you've already got.
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manic mary

31st May 2018, 19:01
Thank you Malone, now just left with the second parts of 7a,9a & 10a but I think my second parts of 8 & 10d might be wrong. I am finding it very difficult to parse some of the answers, but I suppose that is par for the course with this bird-brain!
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31st May 2018, 19:18
Unfortunately I no longer have the puzzle but all I would say Manic Mary is that you are far from being a "bird brain" if you are attempting EV on a regular basis.
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