What a great selection of clues including cryptic definitions, compounds (some using my moniker) and a plethora of straight anagrams which normally don't overexcite me as I feel they are quite often "write-ins" (even when not knowing the answer in advance) but not here, perhaps due to the answer length(s).
Touches, I really like; mattrom's dodgy antiques dealers, therogue's g-force, skyewalker's Sun newspaper, BBM2's equines (pity ginger isn't a used description) and peer (review) and paul's (au) contraire (I'm not a fan of words/fodder doing double duty unless in an &lit and it's a pity contraire, to me, doesn't work on its own but I note contrair is given in Chambers as an obsolete form of contrary).
Just missing out therogue's prime suspect and skyewalker's use of peeing uncontrollably being very apt but this week's winner is fiery @ 24
Spread pig manure, great for early ripening