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21st May 2018, 17:42
Novice, you’d be better off using Rise Lark and then looking for a direct synonym that goes with the theme
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21st May 2018, 18:32
Hi again novice, cuckoo-pint is correct as one of the synonyms so that should lead you to the 4 letter theme word and the other synonyms lords ........
Thereafter the endgame is as described earlier.
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21st May 2018, 18:55
Thanks both all done now.

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manic mary

24th May 2018, 13:17
Good afternoon, I am stuck on a few last clues and although I have read all the posts very carefully none of them seem to have had the same problems as me. I need 2d, 6d 16a, 16d & 41a

I have 20d but can find no reference to a bird, only a measure & a Poet. I am presuming (rightly or wrongly) that the below grid entry should be the letter preceding 36,27 & 9??

Does one change 20d to the bird, and no amount of staring at the gris is coming up with more than a beer measure heading NW from the O??

Help deffo required.

Thank you
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24th May 2018, 14:45
I haven't finished yet, myself, Mary but
2d is one of the thematic words I have ?EE?S
6d is part of a golf course missing its first letter (first 6 words of clue)
16a is an amphibian loved by Ken Livingstone
16d is a somewhat archaic word for the buttocks (remove a 2 letter word from donates)
41a is one of the thematic words. I have LA??
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manic mary

24th May 2018, 16:20
Thank you Turast, a large groan for 6d when I realised. Have the same letters for 2 & 41.
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24th May 2018, 16:44
I've now completed

The alternative to a beer, is one which a pirate would definitely choose.

The synonyms start with 30Dn (bird) which leads to a common measure for beer (6-5)

Then the definition of 2 down is 5,3,6 (A cricket ground with toilets)

Then the thing which parallels 14 (what the sun does in the East) and 41, a bird and a frolic. You need 4( also a funeral) + 5( Batman's pal)
if you start an alphabetical list of your favourite alternatives to beer, it might go
A. _ _ _ ( also a word for odd) KEYWORD
B. _ _ _ ( also a word for trap 36DOWN
C. _ _ _ _ (opposite of starboard 27DOWN
D. _ _ _ _ _ ( scrumpy. 9Dn def = 5th match in a best of 5 series)

I think you end up with a botanical drawing
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11th June 2018, 20:49
Now that the closing date has passed, can someone who still has their copy please tell me what the answer to 2d is and what needs to be highlighted.

Thank you.
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11th June 2018, 21:54
Hi cloverjo, I'm doing this from memory but as far as I can remember 2d. is Peers (synonym of "lords & ladies") and the "parallel" synonym gives "wake-robin" both varieties/other names for arum.
If you trace out cuckoo-pint + lords and ladies + wake-robin in the grid you get a symmetric representation.
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12th June 2018, 14:24
Thank you, ginge.
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