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9th May 2018, 12:43
Hi all!

Here is the response from the Herald after I wrote to the Editor and should please cruciverbalists like us :)

Dear xx,

Thank you for your email regarding the t-shirt prizes for the Wee Stinker crossword.

We had removed the prize as there was only a relatively small pool of entries each week and, as a consequence, a number of repeat winners.

The intention was to re-invest in either more puzzles or bigger prizes.

However, following a handful of responses similar to your own we have re-instated the t-shirt prizes.

I hope you will continue to enjoy the weekly challenge.

Yours faithfully,

Donald Martin
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9th May 2018, 13:02
Well done, John! I am surprised by the comments about a relatively small pool and about repeat winners. Despite submitting close on 50 correct solutions in a year, I won a t-shirt every 15 to 18 months. I assumed either 100s of entries or selectivity in choosing winners!
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9th May 2018, 13:21
If there was only a small pool of entries each week, why did they increase the number of t-shirts from one, originally, to five.
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9th May 2018, 20:03
Excellent, John. Thank you for your efforts.

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stevie gee

9th May 2018, 20:08
Well done John et al.
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9th May 2018, 20:39
Nice one, John! We just have to get it moved back to a Monday now.
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stevie gee

9th May 2018, 20:50
You can move the mountains to muhammad.
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