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norah (admin)

8th May 2018, 18:42
I have read the posts in which users have registered discontent about today’s influx of spam.

Various solutions have been suggested, some feasible some not. However, one thing I can say at this stage is that there will be no spam zappers appointed. Ash wants to maintain the integrity of our small community (compared to some other sites) and is aware that some spam zappers have misused their position.

It’s not easy for Ash to take action without causing problems for our genuine users. During the Korean blitz, Ash banned loads of keyboard characters which cured the spam but gave some of our users no end of problems leaving them unable to post.

For instance, you might think a dash is a dash but unfortunately there are loads of dashes in the computer world, some fell into the ban and others didn’t. This was just one example of the problems we faced.

Today has been a bad day, let’s hope tomorrow will be better. I try and get rid of the spam as soon as I can.
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8th May 2018, 18:51
Thanks, Norah. Even when the spam is infuriating me beyond belief, I know that you and Ash must be doing all you can. I have no IT skills whatsoever, so have no idea of the difficulties Ash faces when he's trying to get rid of the spammers. For me, the 'small' nature of your site/community is one of its attractions - though it's perhaps a drawback when it comes to coping with invaders!
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8th May 2018, 18:56
Yes, thank you, Norah.
We are appreciative of all you and Ash do for us.
May I say that I think you are perfectly right not to appoint "zappers"/ moderators / whatever.
This is a happy "family" site - and best left in the careful hands of you and Ash.
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8th May 2018, 19:08
You and Ash have my sympathy too, Norah!
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8th May 2018, 20:16

Norah does a great job deleting spam as soon as she can and Ash does all he can to deter the posters. Thanks to both of you.

Although the spam is annoying nobody actually dies!
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8th May 2018, 21:10
Adding my thanks to Norah and Ash.
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8th May 2018, 21:12
I join in with my support to you and Ash Norah -
If we remain unified as a friendly family group in solidarity with
both you and Ash, then the spammers can do little harm to this
We must not let them get the better of us, but should try and
remain calm and collected at all times, and even if the spammers
do annoy us at times, it is only through our solidarity that we can help Ash in his efforts to find the best way to rid us if them for good.

Re moderators/spam zappers etc, I feel Ash is quite right - too
many chiefs and not enough Indians has never been a good
(Sorry, the saying does not mention 'Native Americans'!)
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