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6th May 2018, 18:51
A nice puzzle, with a good PDM. I've found the 11-letter name but I'm stuck with two in the NE corner: 7 and 10. I've got the misprint in 7 and 10 is one of the thematic answers, but I can't fathom either of them. DRUGGY would do (GUY + GR + D) but I have a couple of Es in the crossing letters.
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6th May 2018, 18:58
I'll swap you the 11 letter name for help with 10 A.

Snorting grams, debauched guy on date was a wrong 'in.(6)
Roue, debauched guy, add G for grams, Rogue, add D, date. This gives Rogued, but then thematically...

7. Look at the title, setter! Put him under A and you'll have a treet.
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6th May 2018, 19:57
Thanks, malone. You've got the two special words. Google them, but not the words themselves ("this" to "that"), but the entry numbers. That gets you straight there.
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6th May 2018, 20:22
Thanks, Cockle, that was a great help.
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