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10th May 2018, 15:27
Hi PKA1, yes the answer to 29 is DREW, and D is the correction. Deduced.
121 of 139  -   Report This Post


10th May 2018, 15:37
Thanks Meursault, that didn't cross my mind, and my BRB has 'draw aside' against seduce, but no 'draw' under deduce. All I could think of for the D was to change rapper to dapper. Way off the mark.
122 of 139  -   Report This Post


10th May 2018, 15:38
Although I've completed the grid and have a fairly high degree of confidence in the 15 'double answers', the three-word solution for 5d has me completely stumped. Apart from seeming to have an 'and' in it, the rest seems just to be a jumble. If my double answers were correct, would the three words be obvious? Or is there further jiggery-pokery going on, like using two letters from one cell, as in 'argand diagram'? Thanks for any hints!
123 of 139  -   Report This Post


10th May 2018, 15:46
OK, have finally worked it out! Great weight lifted from shoulders!
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10th May 2018, 16:05
...though deduce is mentioned under draw, about 9 lines down in my 2008 ed. TCD
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10th May 2018, 19:44
Am now starting to make progress entering answers into the grid. The blank space in 1a and misspelling 2d really threw me. My question is, the clue to 1a has (4) as the answer length but the answer has in fact only three letters. Surely this is unfair or am I being unduly critical? I am not an experienced Listener solver but this fact really threw a spanner into the works for me and prevented me getting a start.
126 of 139  -   Report This Post


10th May 2018, 20:06
I think it is fair as it included in the preamble. I have to admit I finished the rest of the puzzle with a properly parsed answer to 1a and 46a until I sorted the maths and realised the Xs have to move into spaces in these clues.
127 of 139  -   Report This Post


11th May 2018, 20:57
Hi, I'm fairly new to Listener crosswords having only completed 2 so far and hoping to make this my third. I'm stuck on 3 clues, where I have the following letters/blanks:

31d: _c_ing

36d: S_Ron

48a: _rys

Though that's assuming my other answers crossing the above are correct.

Any hints would be much appreciated.
128 of 139  -   Report This Post


11th May 2018, 21:05
Hi Lofthouse,
31 - Scrims/sclims
36 - Scree/siree
48 - Prys (old bounty)
129 of 139  -   Report This Post


11th May 2018, 21:10
Thanks Meursault, that helps a lot.
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