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2nd May 2018, 16:54
I have occupy for 1a and I get 'People' in the sense of 'move into' and 'y' as the unknown but I 'm struggling to parse the rest.
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2nd May 2018, 16:56
It's always better to give the clue - those of us without a copy would love to be able to help!
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2nd May 2018, 17:04
Oh, sorry. There are usually loads of folks who have the crossword in front of them.

The clue was "People go on, mostly quiet and unknown"

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2nd May 2018, 17:10
occupy = people (def)
occu (r) - go on
p - quiet
y- unknown
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2nd May 2018, 20:29
Not particularly satisfied with 'occur' as an alternative to 'go on'. I'd think of it as 'happen', 'transpire', or some other transitory event rather than a continuing process. My interactive OED doesn't suggest 'go on' as an alternative to 'occur' either.

Thanks for the input.

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2nd May 2018, 20:42


2nd May 2018, 21:01
Thank you for the back up, Cerasus!
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2nd May 2018, 21:12
It is probably easier to see the context in which it is used as follows :
"going on" as "occuring"
e,g. what is going on ? - what is occuring ?
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2nd May 2018, 21:19
I don't see Saltyolddog's problem with the clue?
He has already said that he thinks "go on" is synonymous with "happen"...
"Occur" and "happen" mean the same thing.
See Bradford's dictionary
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2nd May 2018, 21:32
Quite so.
Chambers also shows my example.
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