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30th April 2018, 11:37
Apologies for my tardiness Mattrom and this clip if you're a vegan
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30th April 2018, 15:50
Amazing clip Fiery - Was this fish a type of conger, do you know?
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30th April 2018, 17:38
Brings back memories of a zoology class when I was given a flounder to dissect, to look for parasites or something I think. When I made the first incision with the scalpel, the bloody thing moved. I just about messed myself.
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30th April 2018, 18:06
My Dad used to catch eels and I was the only one who would skin them.
They were delicious and that was the only way I got to eat them.
I've seen them swim around the bowl headless and skinless!
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30th April 2018, 21:07
Yikes! A fitting clip for "almost dead". Although not a vegan or veggie, I do prefer what I eat to be immobile.
Apparently the fish is a bowfin. We have eels in the ponds at our local park. "Some" dogs like to roll in the dead ones, worst smell in the world, and gelatinous.
Thanks, FJ, for taking the time to find the prize.
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30th April 2018, 21:49
skyewalker- we had pigeons to dissect in 1st year Zoology. No-one told us they had come from the Earl of Dalkeith's estate where some of the male students had been sent to catch them that morning (in nets). I regret to say several still had beating hearts, though none was conscious. And yes, some took the breasts home to cook!
I do not approve of any cruelty to animals and refused to dissect live earthworms. Nor have I eaten live oysters, or lobsters that have been boiled. I even complained to the BBC Masterchef program for getting the professional cooks to prepare live sea urchins!
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1st May 2018, 08:36
Rosalind - I was assured by the lecturer that there was no way that the creature was still alive and it was a reflex reaction. Still rather unsettling. On another occasion I had to cut up a hen. That put me off eggs for a long time but, strangely enough, not chicken.
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1st May 2018, 09:47
Can understand that, skyewalker, eggs in shells OK, eggs in oviducts not OK!
I once wanted to make a hen's skeleton, so my mother asked her butcher to supply an old bird without a broken neck. It arrived in a box which we put in the car boot. When we opened that a hen popped out! My turn to nearly jump out of my skin. Living in filthy old Birkenhead we had no idea how to re-home it. Eventually we found a farm that would take it (we didn't ask!). Cost 5/- for the hen and quite a lot of petrol for the trip to the farm.
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