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25th April 2018, 01:32
I am not sure what this means, but in this puzzle book, the word problem says the following:

"How many letters are in the one-word answer to this question?"

That is all it says, so its got to be a trick question. It cant be the number of letters in that sentence bc it says one-word answer. Anyone know what to do?
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25th April 2018, 02:52
Stabbing in the dark - how about SOLUTION - 8 letters?
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25th April 2018, 03:14
Or what about the word "answer", would that a better choice?
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25th April 2018, 07:13
Probably FOUR
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25th April 2018, 07:18
Three - how many letter in THE one....

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25th April 2018, 11:30
No other number spelled out has the same number of letters as the word.
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