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22nd April 2018, 21:35
I have identified the five titles and the creator, but by my arithmetic they take up 42 cells : we are supposed to highlight 43 ..... the fifth title to be highlighted is only 7 letters if we follow the original spelling : is the setter expecting us to use the English spelling, which has an extra letter at the end, ie an "e" ?
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22nd April 2018, 21:47
I had the same thought, danlyon. There are several editions which show the fifth title with the 'e' at the end - because of the letter count, I felt we had to use that.
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22nd April 2018, 21:50
Thanks for the speedy thoughts. I think I was just getting to the same (reluctant) conclusion. Dan
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22nd April 2018, 22:03
You're welcome, Dan. We do have the English variation/version of another one , bang in the middle - but I don't think that could have been avoided!
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23rd April 2018, 13:49
The 42 /43 cells seem to me to only cover the 5 titles - where is the creator - or am i missing something?
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23rd April 2018, 14:02
Read across the five boxes ! (So no need to highlight any more cells.
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23rd April 2018, 14:23
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