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22nd April 2018, 13:26
I was "Born to Be Wild", but now I do the EV crossword instead. Get your motor running...
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22nd April 2018, 13:58
Turast ....can you explain what the preamble .... " The letters given by adding that word’s initial letter to the initial letter of the answer spell an instruction (A = 1,27; B = 2,28 etc)"... means ?

E.g ...extra word in 12a is Indies ...answer begins with E ...where do the numbers come in ?
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22nd April 2018, 14:01
If you convert all the letters in the alphabet 1-26

A being 1 Z 26

E is 5
I is 9

Gives 14

The 14th letter in alphabet is N so that is the letter needed for the instruction.

If your answer adds up to more than 26 you just start again at A as 27 until you get to the relevant letter
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22nd April 2018, 14:01
Xwordfan, if the extra word in a clue is Banana, that gives you 2 (A= I, B = 2...) . If the answer is Fruit, then add the initial letter of that, F/6. You'll have 8 so change it to H. If you do that for all the relevant clues, a message will result.
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22nd April 2018, 14:17
Thank you djawhufc and Malone for making things clear!
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22nd April 2018, 15:36
stuck in the NE corner:
(The clue either has an extra word in it or the wordplay is missing a letter)
7d Race fixing at Belmont revealing nothing for lucky women (7) SH?????
14a Stripper, pretentious out of uniform, turning round on cruise ship (9) ?E????L??
26a A mark like some symbols (5) A??A?

Also could do with a parse for :
2d Game daughter contemplated backing out (4) I have RUED ...
ru = game + d (daughter) with E missing ...defn contemplated ... but the rest?

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22nd April 2018, 16:23
Hi Bunty,
7d. Showing => shooing [lucky]
14a. Despoiler, pse(u)d reversed + oiler [cruise]
26a. Agmas, g missing, a + m + as
2d. Contemplated backing out is given in Chambers.
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22nd April 2018, 16:43
Many thanks ginge
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23rd April 2018, 03:05
I was alluding to the band who had a hit with "born To Be Wild", they were fans of this author.
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23rd April 2018, 12:07
Can anyone help with 9d
Eccentric East London like following Derby perhaps(7). As mentioned before, there is an extra word in the clue.
I have ?a?eaus.
Ican see the titles, but am still searching for the creator. Any pointers welcomed!!
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