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19th April 2018, 23:49
have read all the comments on the pages but i stil am stuck on several questions .any help please on nos.3,15.26,27,48,553,61. i know there have been many clues on this site but more help appreciated. thanks.
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20th April 2018, 08:28
3. Type of lizard
15. What is given in the classroom
26. Anagram of 5th & 6th words gives a film
27. The 2 main political parties make this a place where scientists work
48. Initials of a London museum in a difficult environment gives a US university.
53. Someone who works in a surgery + anagram of the clue as the last 3 letters.
61. Anagram of 1st and 3rd words.

All of these have been given very explicit clues previously and quite a few can also be found in The Answer Bank.

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