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16th April 2018, 10:49
Do you watch The Big Painting Challenge? I'd have got rid of all the last 3 yesterday. Especially Chris. That was one strange painting. I was sorry Bokani left; I thought her skeletal tree was stunning
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16th April 2018, 10:52
I've not come across that one, rosalind. I do occasionally watch "Landscape artist of the year" on Sky Arts, though.
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16th April 2018, 13:24
6 pm BBC1 Sundays
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16th April 2018, 23:50

I saw it for the first time yesterday. I thought some of the artists were excellent - and some ...,er... not so good!

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17th April 2018, 09:51
Very polite, jigjag! Really bad would be my comment. Though I do think it must be difficult to paint in front of cameras and with such time pressure.
Not my thing at all (painting).
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17th April 2018, 10:05
Chris Davies has ocular albinism so finds it hard to see small detail, but although his portrait was "impressionist" the overall shape was wrong. I also liked the "skeletal tree" even though the branches were not 'correct' but sometimes the impact a painting has is sometime later spoilt by over-analysing the proportions.
I once viewed a painting in an art exhibition which made my eyes water. I just had to buy it, and it is now on my lounge wall. It was not until my husband poiinted out that the perspective was not correct, I then noticed it too. But the rest of the picture is so beautifully painted, that I forgive the artist :)
My favourite artist in the challenge is Anil (I think that was his name)
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17th April 2018, 10:40
I like Anil, too, but I don't think the judges do! I thought his first painting (of the vats etc) brilliant.
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