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13th April 2018, 21:44
Have you been following this year's Masterchef? It seems to me that everything is reset before the final - over the course of the series, the winner might well have been eliminated twice in earlier rounds!
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13th April 2018, 22:39
Warning to others, spoiler ahead!

Yes I follow it avidly (which doesn't rule out the odd zzzz in the middle!)

I've always understood that the scores - as it were- are not cumulative and in each round all that matters is that round, or even the last part (I don't think what they did in Peru counted, for instance).

In the final the one with the least criticism wins - that's what I've noticed anyway. I have no idea why they don't take previous rounds into account. Had they done so, surely the Thai chap would have won. However, his duck looked overcooked (by their standards, not mine) and I thought "oops, that's him gone". Anyway, the world needs TB doctors far more than yet another overpriced restuarant. I live near the Manoir but I would never go, even when someone offered to take me there!

Are you going to try beetroot fried in beef fat any time soon? I made risotto this evening, which I love.
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14th April 2018, 07:25
Hi rosalind
That explains it, then.
No, beetroot is one of my pet hates!
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14th April 2018, 09:55
Mine, too. That may be because when I was a child it was always drowned in vinegar, which is another of my dislikes!
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14th April 2018, 10:11
I don't like pickle beetroot (in vinegar) ,,,but I love freshly cooked beetroot.
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14th April 2018, 19:24
We also watched it. Strictly Come Dancing uses the same approach, judging each round on how that round went, so sometimes a super contestant fails at the final hurdle.

But people who 'almost' win sometimes get the record contract, or whatever (Susan Boyle, for example).

PS I like pickled beetroot!

PPS Google maps tells me I'm about 50 mins from that restaurant, but sometimes nosh can be too posh, so shan't be seeing you there!
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14th April 2018, 22:20
i refused to go to the Manoir, steve, even when someone (who must have been mad) offered to take me. Too many starving people in the world to pay £100 plus for dinner, even, as Bernard Levin pointed out, your forgoing a treat will not help them one bit.
Don't like pickled anything, but you're right, elle. Fresh beetroot is OK.
I have an almost full bottle of live apple cider vinegar you're welcome to steve. Apparently it's good for you. I shall forgo the extra days of life. Feel much the same about chia seeds.
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