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11th April 2018, 00:29
Take in fish 'n' chip (5). ???rd

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11th April 2018, 02:53
Could be SHARD, a small piece of pottery. (chip)
SHAD = fish, around R, 'take' from the Latin 'recipere'
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14th April 2018, 00:47
Thanks for that mattrom I had considered that answer and probably should have put the other last clue with it

Pull hers and there clutching paddle in loch ness 6/2words

That would make S the first letter so I'm still confused as to an answer

Thanks for your input
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14th April 2018, 00:49
Typpo here and there
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14th April 2018, 00:55
And you've missed out a word in the clue that contributes to the wordplay. (each) before paddle.
Your "t" is wrong. It's the usual abbreviation for each in a dialect form (here and there) of pull.
It's an alternate name for paddle³ in Chambers.
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14th April 2018, 01:06
All thumbs Yes each missed in haste

That's great ginge is the Shard answer correct?

The t was always iffy / There was a conflict on my part for the Buddhist temple WAT whether to use WT or WA

Thank you for your help
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14th April 2018, 01:11
Yes, mattrom is spot on with shard.
Ideally you should post the puzzle name and number in the header. There probably is such a thread already in existence which you can access using search which may help if you need it.
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14th April 2018, 06:37
These clues are from last week's Inquisitor (1537), a thematic puzzle which involved clashes in places. There is an earlier, much longer thread.
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15th April 2018, 00:21
Thank you all for your pointers

I put up a separate post as there are no clashes. I have resolved the puzzle and end game,but these two clues I could not fathom and was hoping some kind sole could shine light on

Thanks to all who helped, I still cannot find the answer to the two word dialect clue ginge refers to

SEAOW? (The clue is above) thanks again for pointers but was aware of the thread which is no help, other than I should have posted this query there maybe?

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