Firstly, welcome to Clueless, icvotria and ludo. You might also like to have a go at Peer Review, which will be set tomorrow - that one differs from this one in that every entrant has a vote.
And now to business: 13 setters, with pigale and mattrom being particularly prolific. Many to like:
- paul@5's anagram
- tatters@21 (albeit pointing to Feb 29, as several seemed to, though I appreciate in some countries the lady's proposal can be any day in a leap year ... this is all very 'way back when', methinks!)
- ludo@28 taught me a word
Interestingly, mattrom@25 links nicely to the Olympics-related prize. The 'leaping' subject of the video lives nearby, and walked past me with his family the other day.
Whittling down to two finalists (and I admit I'd have preferred a question mark at the end of both clues, but when the idea is that good ...)
Silver goes to ixion@20.
Our gold medal winner is the succinct and clever fieryjack@10 with:
Springtime (4,4)
Congrats fj, and here's your prize: