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7th April 2018, 16:28
15 a Brahms and Liszt interact, lacking string instrument (7) CITTERN but please parse for me.
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7th April 2018, 16:32
Brahms and Liszt is "pissed" (anagram indicator) for INTERACT without A (string on a guitar, for example)
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7th April 2018, 16:33
Interact drunk or in an anagram

Indicated by Brahms and Liszt.
Lacking a so interact minus a anagrammed

You missed a out in the clue
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7th April 2018, 16:33
Thank you. Didn't realise B & L indicator for anagram, will next time.
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8th April 2018, 02:09
Having trouble with the exact parsing for these, help appreciated......

43a Colonisation of earth allowed humans to be preserved (10) - SETTLEMENT (Colonisation)

I thought this looked like 'Allowed' = LET + 'Humans' = MEN, but then, assuming 'Preserved' is the containment indicator for the above, it would have to mean 'Earth' = SETT which I don't get. I've checked all the usual sources and it's either 'A badger's den' or 'Paving stone' - Where have I gone wrong?

18d Woman not one to go after morning coffee (9) - AMERICANO (Coffee)

It looks like 'Woman' = ERICA and 'Morning is AM but then the remaining NO would have to come from 'Not one to go' - I did think It could be indicating that it's 'NOT', with one (letter) 'To go', but that just seems to vague an instruction because there's no mention of T ie 'Last, to go' etc. - Help!

34d One might see prom queen arrange travel in advance (11) - CONCERTGOER (One might see prom)
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8th April 2018, 03:11
43a Chambers has a def. of 'earth' as a burrow, esp of a badger. That would fit with 'sett'.
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8th April 2018, 03:16
34d CONCERT (to arrange) + GO (travel) + ER (queen)
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8th April 2018, 03:22
18d NO = not one (Chambers), "to go after" being the placement indicator.
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8th April 2018, 03:24
You're a star, many thanks Mattrom.
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