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6th April 2018, 17:13
Hi all and chrise in particular, yes you're correct my vote is for stevea @ 10, I'm struggling signal wise to remain on site to post especially when attempting to make amendments toy intended post.
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6th April 2018, 17:54
steve @ 11
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6th April 2018, 17:59
Good evening all.

Thanks for all your entries - I make it 22 clues from 14 setters.

With only fieryjack and jws left to vote the front runners are aristo #12 has 4 votes, rossim #8 has 3 and stevea #10 is on 2.

Back later for an update.
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6th April 2018, 22:40
Ok folks time's up.

With 13 out of 14 votes cast our winner is aristophanes #12 with the well-hidden word clue :-

Becoming caught up in wealth, and so mean (8)

Commiserations to rossim in the runner-up spot.

Here is your prize

--- and don't forget to amend the time in next week's preamble!

Thank you all for taking part, I thought the standard this week was amazing.

See you all soon

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6th April 2018, 22:50
Well done Aristo - I liked your clue the moment I saw it!

and yes, commiserations Rossim.

Thanks bbm2 for hosting
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6th April 2018, 23:09
Congratulations, Aristo. Thank you, Bigbadmarty2.
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6th April 2018, 23:14
Congrats, aristo. Thanks for the competition, bbm. Thanks for the votes, chrise and jws, and thanks for the vote and kind words, ginge.
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6th April 2018, 23:39
Nice, as per, aristo. Gross apologies to everyone for the way my post after voting commenced turned out. It was not intentional to comment on the "likely" winner as such. Thanks Geevo for your vote (and again apologies hearhcliffe if you're looking in, for not acknowledging as such a couple of weeks ago), cheers Marty and those who gave me a mention.
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7th April 2018, 00:33
Well done, Aristo, and Cheers, BBM2.
Thanks to Ginge for the mention - much appreciated.
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7th April 2018, 01:07
Wow. Thanks for the votes, pigale, mattrom, rossim, and bobs mum (a special treat to have scored with the ladies), and for the mentions, fernfinder and ginjar. Thanks also to bigbad for officiating and for the prize (oh, those spaghetti westerns, and oh, those Danes [something to try with my own choir]).

It snowed today, and it's freezing! I'll be on my island next week and I hope the lines aren't pulled down by icicles. It's so much fun to post on a phone with my oversized fingers.
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