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25th March 2018, 20:09
I am struggling. I have extra words "Go " "bishop" "queen" amongst others but cant make sense of it. The 3 might indicate a board game theme, Go, which I dont know anything about, or chess.

I also have gaps where I have entered 2 letters in a cell but the pre-amble does not refer to these. In every case the number in brackets equates to the number of cells in the grid, not the number used for entry .

There is no reference to Chambers so the whole thing is baffling. Is it April Fools Day - I thought that was next week.
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25th March 2018, 20:16
Jigjag, neither "bishop" (18 Ac) nor "queen" (15 Ac) are extra words
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25th March 2018, 20:24
crucifer - thanks -I was not too happy about the parsing of those clues.

If the theme is the game "Go", I will have to look it up, as I dont know any words involved in it
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25th March 2018, 20:27
Jigjag, you are on the right lines with the board game, but it is a rather more familiar one
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25th March 2018, 21:55
crucifer - thanks - yes I have got the board game at last. I believe it was popular many years ago.
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26th March 2018, 12:25
there are now 2 threads for this puzzle
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26th March 2018, 22:51

I got there eventually - thought it was an excellent Ev. Just an error in the preamble and one wrong clue.

Thanks for putting me on the right track
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