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25th March 2018, 17:42
No queries on here by 6pm on Everyman, are they getting easier? I had it done by 12 but normally it occupies me into the afternoon.
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25th March 2018, 18:30
Hello, Clegghall!
I finished my puzzle this morning, but your post has reminded me that there was one clue I couldn't parse.....
Thank you for that!
I shall now go back and find it...........
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25th March 2018, 18:37
Hellp CleggHall
It did seem quick to complete today.
I particularly liked 12 and 14 - clever clues
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25th March 2018, 18:59
Ah, well, that hasn’t been my experience today. Maybe it’s the time change. Anyway, a few I can’t parse and one that has thrown me.
18a: observed disc, following fool with no time for ufo sighting. (5,9). Close encounter?

7d: see about run, refreshed after drink and biscuit (6,3). Ginger nut?

14a. Page on garden in preliminary survey getting priority (10). Precedence?

16d: United in due course to protect large south-western lake (9). Ullawater??

And this is the one that eludes me: 20a: player’s second foul allowed (6). L?w?u?

Thanks so much!
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25th March 2018, 19:02
18a close encounter
clo(t) seen counter
14a precedence
p(page) eden (garden) in recce (preliminary survey)

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25th March 2018, 19:03
18a Fool (with no time) = CLO(t) + SEEN + COUNTER (Disc)

7d See= GET + GIN + RUN

14a P(age) + EDEN (Garden) + RECCE (Survey)

20a (p)L(ayer's) (Second letter + AWFUL (Foul)
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25th March 2018, 19:03
7s ginger nut
get - see
run - anagram
gin - drink
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25th March 2018, 19:04
16d ULLSWATER - U(nited) - L(arge) + SW (South Western) + WATER (Course)
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25th March 2018, 19:04
16, Ullswater.
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25th March 2018, 19:05
16d Ullswater
U - united
later - in due course
L - large
SW - south western
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