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25th March 2018, 14:43
A son rivals his father in business (598)

A young chap shares a room with a married female friend (376)
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25th March 2018, 14:55
Is the 564th letter an F?
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25th March 2018, 15:02
I presume this is cryptic but do not understand if the numbers are letters or correspond to something else?
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5th April 2018, 18:30
Further clues are:

a newly married man helps a damsel in distress in his wife's absence (409)

is the house haunted or not? (401)

a jewel robbery (344)

a sort of modern day romeo and juliet (291)

a stolen necklace is returned (267)

If they are the first seven, What is the subject of the twelfth?

P.S if this is cryptic I'm not sure what the numbers in brackets relate to?

Any suggestions would be welcome!
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5th April 2018, 18:47
Can you give us some examples of clues you've already answered? This seems a very strange crossword!
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