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Crossword Help Forum
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24th March 2018, 13:22
Fascinating to read Wee Stinker's reflections on his life as a crossword compiler. His only regret? Those who abuse the forum in their pursuit of t-shirts. Not prepared to sit and savour the possibilities of a clever clue - just gimme the answer before the post is lifted.

Heard that before somewhere ... the crossword police, wasn't it? Still believe that? Or maybe not so much Clouseau as Clueless?
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24th March 2018, 13:53
It's fair comment. I haven't submitted a completed crossword since I joined the forum. Seems like cheating to me. But I used to collaborate with a friend, and that doesn't seem so different somehow, since we all kinda know each other on here. I'm in two minds, but I always try to get the answers before going online. BTW I managed Monday's without any assistance, thanks to insights I've gained from friends here.
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24th March 2018, 14:11
If you have to ask for answers I don’t think that you can morally enter the draw.

I have three t shirts from years back and long ago stopped posting entries off. I do find the forums invaluable for when the parsing totally stumps me and I don’t think asking for help is cheating, it’s just how you learn.

I must admit I disliked the change to having a “winner” rather than just the first five drawn out of the hat. There’s no “skill” to having your name drawn first.
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24th March 2018, 14:17
That's exactly what I do. If I can't do it myself I check for the answers but don't post it in. The point I'm trying to make is this is a fun crossword. Nothing wrong with getting a nudge in the right direction, eg something's not an anagram or a certain word is a verb not a noun. But simply to fill a shopping list with answers is so sad. Also, taking a few unfinished clues to bed is a great cure for insomnia!
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