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21st March 2018, 13:34
And I assume that jerk also means detestable idiot across the water!
31 of 58  -   Report This Post


21st March 2018, 13:36
Hi therogue
To do is the def
Twist and shout (the Beatles) and the hop obviously
32 of 58  -   Report This Post


21st March 2018, 13:38
Hi, therogue.

"on the radio" - homophone indicator
"seen" - homophone of "scene" (definition)
33 of 58  -   Report This Post


21st March 2018, 13:42
Four cornershop histrionics (4,3,5)

"four corners" being a song by Terry Allen
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21st March 2018, 14:31
Overmuch made of a sloppy snog with older Carol (4,3,5)
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21st March 2018, 15:07
Ah, cheers Mr A! Like the noose, your wordplay had gone over my head. Wouldn't have thought of dance at the end of a rope. Yes, jerk also means an idiot over here.

Thanks Fj. I got the wrong song there!

Thanks SW. Should have twigged to that one as you'd used 'scene' in your previous clue!
36 of 58  -   Report This Post


21st March 2018, 17:25

I think your Cannon and Ball clue is brilliant - especially as I am a big fan of them and saw them live last year.

I wondered if you can improve it with a different homophone indicator? - maybe one that they can actually be seen on?
37 of 58  -   Report This Post


21st March 2018, 19:32
Evening all!
Thanks everyone for your entries and a welcome back to bobs mum and ginge!
I've very much enjoyed working through the clues again and will admit that picking the winner this week has not been easy. Many lovely touches, including Fj's air ball, chris's canned gonads (!), Mr A's jerk, tatters american pie and mashed potatoes, Steve's cats/commotion and Skye's Cannon and Ball.
I whittled it down to three in the end though. Joint second were mattrom @24 and ixion @28.
The winner this week is pigale @6 with

Much ado about nothing? (4,3,5)

Well done pigale! So, without further ado, here's your prize.
38 of 58  -   Report This Post


21st March 2018, 19:52
Congratulations, pigale, and thanks for the mention, therogue.

My kids loved Fred and Ginger, and their friends always looked at them in bewilderment when they referred to them. I always thought Fred looked like a plucked chicken and had a voice made for silent movies. Best choreography ever though: the speakeasy scene in The Band Wagon, with Cyd Charisse. What a rush. I once posted it as a Clueless prize, for NECROPOLIS.
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