very few using this forum for no. 12.
a pile of queries.
1.... 11a ""cryptic clue at 12.10?"
6 letters H???E?
2....6d. "Trumped it cannot be, statistically, even in a culture of fake news."
2 words . 4 &4
?A?? ?A?T maybe a CARD?
3...... 28a "proceeding with a fight og right, how two men stood in the morning light ?"
3 words 4& 2 &4
?A?? ?o ?a?k
a boxing reference . back to back ?
4... "18a "With incoming enemies on the wing, who in emergency would Americans ring ?"
4 letters ?W?T
5...... 25a "D????T.
a diagramatic drop sign between D and T
6 letters
6..... 8a "isn't he the little king in the ...future?2
4 letters ?I?L
could it be big WILL(iam)