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18th March 2018, 23:24
I have a complete grid but can't parse 3d (presumably 'rest') and 8d (presumably the answer is Grand Prix related). I am not 100% happy with the unclued entry in the 3rd row (answer means 'big dish'?)
I personally think that the aide-memoire leads to a strange culinary experience but then again I'm English lol...
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18th March 2018, 23:28
3d = re(e)st. 8d the definition is state.
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18th March 2018, 23:43
Orson - thanks for parsing 3d. Yes, I have the state in 8d but can't quite see where the extra O fits with the parsing (not that I suppose it really matters...)

By the way, the hint I gave in the EV 1320 thread was clearly too obscure - sorry. It was the last line of the film in question.
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19th March 2018, 00:01
I don't have the crossword in front of me, gazzar, but I seem to remember 8d is Mona + co(o). I'm going to bed now!
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19th March 2018, 00:03

many thanks for your posting. You are quite right. I regret to say that I mis-read the sentence...."All other across clues are normal....", as " all other clues are normal". I sincerely apologise to yourself, other threaders, and, in particular, the compiler, who maintains his track record of accuracy.

I must eat humble pie (or the French equivalent)... though not sure where to fit this course in!

I thought it was a brilliant puzzle - not the most difficult but thoroughly enjoyable.

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19th March 2018, 00:09

the extra O is on the end, so its the Grand Prix with an O on - a monkey (4) plus a 3 letter word (unusual for surprise, I think )

Thanks for the obsure hint a couple of weeks ago. When I eventually got the film, I googled your hint - and it gave me the clip where your line was used.
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19th March 2018, 00:12

Apologies - I did not see your reply to gazzar before I posted mine.

Bed for me too - a tough day.
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19th March 2018, 00:15
Thank you orson and jigjag.
Glad you found the clip jigjag. Apologies for the obscure hint!
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19th March 2018, 11:22

I agree with your comment about the question mark. It is unnecessary if put-on = hoax
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19th March 2018, 11:29

I was happy with the big dish answer as it also refers to what could be in it - pate?

I agree with you about the "culinary experience". Is that what they do in France? As Gaston is English but works at a restaurant in France, he would know.

One question though - where does he serve the soup?
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