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14th March 2018, 20:07
Please put me out of my misery..
38ac is " Sound of outstanding song." (3) I hyave O D -
Is it ODE ? But why ? or could iti be something else, Many thanks in advance
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14th March 2018, 20:09
Sounds like OWED? - outstanding as in debt
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14th March 2018, 20:09
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manic mary

17th March 2018, 11:30
Have managed almost all the grid with the exception of 12d, 27d & 29d I have words for them all but cannot parse anything that fits. Think I have 7 of the letters but that doesn't make sense either so I suspect they are wrong. A hefty push in the direction of what it all means would be much appreciated. Thank you.
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17th March 2018, 11:35
MM, I wish you'd given the clues!
12D. Just initial letters in the answer, check Chambers for the definition.

27 D. The definition is the first one, the amended version, in the clue. I don't know how the rest works!
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