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12th March 2018, 22:12
27a Chance to delete first of numbers (5) - EVENS (Chance)

I took this this to be 'Delete first of numbers = (s)EVENS, however, on the Big Dave website the blogger (Miffypops) says:-

This betting chance comes by removing the first letter (delete first of) of a pluralised number. You won’t have to count far to get this number. However should you miss it and keep on counting you will not use the letter M until you reach one million

From this I inferred that if you 'didn't' miss it you would come across an M earlier - why else mention it? But there's no M in SEVENS, so what am missing?
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12th March 2018, 22:42
Maybe it was just added as a piece of superfluous information.
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12th March 2018, 22:46
I considered that Rossim, but again, why M - why not L, C, X or D? - And if it is just superfluous, why waste time on it, it doesn't make any sense (To me at least).
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12th March 2018, 22:48
OK, not X because of siX, but the rest still hols true.
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12th March 2018, 23:08
A thousand apologies Rossim, I've just got a reply from Miffypops on the Big Dave website and she confirmed that it was, as you said, just a bit of superfluous information. Many thanks and apologies for being sceptical of your reply.
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