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10th March 2018, 19:01
I think I got it.
Answer is 5 letters with Caine role.
Surrounded by a 4 letter word that means the same as in 10a's poet.

But do not know which word has misprint.
Most likely first word , second letter?
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10th March 2018, 19:10
You've given the misprint!
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10th March 2018, 19:13
Thanks malone.
I am not sure of the relevance of the corrected word in 36a.
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10th March 2018, 19:16
Why isn't 'role' relevant? The clue needs it!
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10th March 2018, 19:32
I thought it was Lew's.

My bad.

Thanks malone.

It is remake of the movie the clue refers to.
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10th March 2018, 20:53
Sunray, glad you got that sorted! You had me totally confused with your earlier post (at 25). You mentioned the Caine 'role' and then said you didn't know which word had the misprint!
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10th March 2018, 21:24
You are right malone.
I remembered the Caine role. Had seen the movie.
Totally forgot that there was a remake with the younger guy.
Did not connect his name to the role.

Still a few answers away,
The extra letters are slowly appearing but still far too many missing.

After the first 7 letters, I see 7,5,4.

What are the word lengths for the message,

Also the unclued in last row a poet?

Thanks for all your help.
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10th March 2018, 21:49

3, 4, 7, 6, 2, 4, 2, 10.

I know what's going on in this puzzle. There are some in the bottom left and top right I cannot get but it's one of those puzzles where I can't be bothered to slog it out, having got the theme. Some iffy clues too. 7d, for example, whether it's "god is" or "god's" it doesn't quite work. And I think a country is more than just a tract. Or maybe I'm missing something.
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10th March 2018, 21:50
Oh, and there is no poet in the bottom row.
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10th March 2018, 21:59
Sorry, Sunray, I had to pop out. Still, Orson has come to the rescue - I'm sure you'll be able to get this puzzle finished off now.

Orson - yes, I too felt some definitions weren't ... proper definitions. I didn't let that get in the way, as I made good progress anyway.
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